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Myth Busters: don't believe the myths! PT can help

Sarah Lowe • Jul 17, 2024

Editorial: Myth Busters

Myth: Urinary leakage is a normal part of being a mother

Fact: This is common but NOT normal and should be addressed as soon as possible for best results


Myth: once it starts, urinary leakage is here to stay

Fact: Urinary leakage can be improved or rectified with pelvic floor physical therapy


Myth: It’s too late for women over 40 to do anything about leakage except wear pads

Fact: It’s never too late to seek treatment with a pelvic floor Physical Therapist to make improvements in your pelvic floor strength and have better bladder control, even if you’re already 60.


Myth: If I just do Kegel exercises to strengthen my pelvic floor, my leakage will stop

Fact: if your muscles are already too tight and don’t have flexibility, doing Kegels will only make them tighter and your leaking could get worse. Many women do not know how to properly perform a Kegel. It’s best to be assessed by a trained therapist to see if you need to do Kegels or not, and if you can do them correctly.


Myth: If I have to urinate a lot I should drink less so I won’t have to go so often

Fact: Drinking less water will make your urine more concentrated and can irritate the bladder, causing you to have to go just as much or more.


Myth: surgery is the only option to rectify pelvic organ prolapse

Fact: Surgery should always be the last resort. Pelvic floor Physical Therapy can help minimize your prolapse symptoms, decrease your prolapse if not severe, teach you strategies to better manage your intra-abdominal pressure to prevent further progression of a prolapse, and recommend other alternatives to surgery.


Myth: Surgery for a prolapse is fool proof

Fact: studies show that there is close to a 30% failure rate of these surgeries and they often have to be re-done within 10 years.


Myth: If I have surgery for prolapse I won’t need pelvic floor physical therapy

Fact: One reason why these surgeries fail is that women are not sent for pre-hab or rehab and do not know how to manage their intra-abdominal pressure that frequently causes prolapse in the first place. They may also have a weak core and weak hip muscles which will cause them to exert themselves incorrectly when performing more difficult tasks and may cause the surgery to fail. Having some pelvic floor Physical Therapy before and after surgery to address these issues will ensure better success and longevity if you do end up needing surgery for a prolapse.


Myth: Constipation has nothing to do with the pelvic floor

Fact: Chronic constipation can greatly affect the pelvic floor and set you up for increased risk of pelvic organ prolapse. A Pelvic floor Physical Therapist can be a very important part of your medical team to help you improve your bowel motility, decrease constipation and strengthen your pelvic floor for better elimination.


If you have more questions, Vital Life Physical Therapy is here to help. Give us a call or fill out an inquiry on our website


Sarah Rudolph

Vital Life PT


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